Paragraph 1: Describe No Impact Man's year long project.
Impact man's year long project was about going green and doing things to help the environment like...
- saving trees by not using tissues and junk
- not using a TV
- making his own cleaning products because of pollution and toxic fumes
- using Pampers made of cloth
- He went to farms to learn how his food was made
- He is a good man
Paragraph 2: How does No Impact Man's behavior lower his negative impact on the environment?
- saving trees is good because trees won't be cut down and more trees means more oxygen
- not using a TV saves electricity. Saving electricity is good because it saves money and fossil fuels.
- making his own cleaning products is good because they don't have toxic fumes and the containers are reusable.
- using cloth diapers is good because they're washable and reusable instead of filling up land fills with disposable diapers.
- learning about how our food is made is good because you know what you're eating, it's healthy and it gives you respect for what you're putting in your body.
Paragraph 3: What were your reactions and feelings while watching this film?
I reacted thinking about going green and helping the environment, I personally do no not care about the environment and never will because I shouldn't clean or do good to the earth if no one else does.
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